What ever happened to Covid vaccinations?

Every so often, we read articles in Times of Malta about Covid and keeping up with the current injections.

And we read in international papers about the latest vaccines for combatting Covid. Many people around the world are getting them.

So, my wife and I wanted information about this from our health minister. Imagine our surprise when we found out that there is no longer a Malta health website.

And it hasn’t been there for some time.

I recognise that he is busy trying to figure out how to fix our crippled healthcare system.

He was not handed an easy task.

A lack of money, drained by corrupt politicians, will do that.

But can he, please, take a moment to inform a couple of seniors about the availability and timing of the latest Covid vaccine?

Then, he can get back to moving beds around Mater Dei Hospital.

Alan Zelt – Naxxar

Tables and chairs

A protester walks on table tops in Valletta. Photo: James CummingsA protester walks on table tops in Valletta. Photo: James Cummings

Even use of a simple home ruler on the photo accompanying the report (September 23) about the protest by citizens against the current rampant abuse of citizens’ rights to free and totally unencumbered use of their streets and pavements will readily show the unbalanced ratios bet­ween public and private allocations of space  and extents to which this current policy by the planning and lands authorities have been abused and are a total failure.

The chairs and tables have become the main overriding features of the space and, certainly, the citizens who wish and need to walk unencumbered are presently the great losers. This should not be.

Balance has gone absolutely flying out of the window. The whole matter and all its related policies and protocols absolutely need urgent revisiting by the government, and both a drastic reduction in the spatial grants that are currently in force and the issue of any new ones in the pipeline absolutely need to be urgently taken up.

Tourism needs are for the country, not the country for tourism’s needs.

John Consiglio – Birkirkara

Beyond the smile

I did not know or ever met Karl Gouder. I have had no contact with the Nationalist Party for many, many years.

Yet, of course, I heard about him: his kindness, and, above all, his constant smile.

I do not know what really happened but clearly no one looked beyond that smile.

We live in a society in which we simply do not care about the individual.

We are teaching young people only how to make more and more money.

When I recently posted a message on Facebook at a difficult moment only one person from the 5,000 or so ‘friends’ called to give support.

But, afterwards, we all show great sorrow.

Flowers are of no use to dead people.

Ray Bondin – Għajnsielem

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