Malta ranks 20th in EU on Sustainable Development Goals
Progress boosts country’s ranking in beating poverty

Malta has moved up two places in an index of Sustainable Development Goals published on Tuesday, but while it ranks in the 28th place worldwide, it is only in the 20th place in the EU.
Malta’s overall score was 75.8, compared to a regional average score of 70.4.
The report takes into account 230 indicators and 69 targets in 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
Malta achieved one of the highest scores in the world for its progress on the No Poverty front, according to the latest report on the UN’s and EU’s Sustainable Development Goals Agenda.
Malta’s score on Goal 1 of the Agenda - ending poverty in all its forms - was 99.9 out of 100, and on Goal 10 - reducing inequality - it was 94.6.
Each country’s progress was ranked from green to red, with Malta ranking green for these two above, eight in the yellow category, showing that a less significant challenge remains; four in the orange goals where a very significant challenge remains; and three red goals (hunger, responsible consumption and production and life below water), where a major challenge remains.
Malta progressed or remained static in all the categories, not regressing on any of the 17.

Elsewhere in the EU, the rich Nordic countries did best, occupying the three top places. However, the results were mixed, with progress on some goals being faster than in others while there was even a move away from the objectives in specific areas.
According to the authors of the Report, Aart De Geus, Chairman and CEO of Bertelsmann Stiftung, and Jeffrey Sachs, Director Sustainable Development Solutions Network, no country in the world is on track to reach its 2030 goals.