Proverbial wisdom has it that new money screams and old money whispers. But whether loud or spoken softly, the message is one of luxury: fashion pieces that match a special occasion, high-end phones, the cruise of a lifetime, and bundles of cash. That would be, as many would say, ‘lussu’.

Luxury has become more accessible with the launch of Lussu, Malta’s first luxury rewards club.

Launched this year, Lussu is a membership-based platform for Maltese residents, which gives its members access to exclusive discounts and weekly, Malta Gaming Authority approved, luxurious prize draws such as Apple products, high-end designer bags, cash prizes, trips and more.

Where’s the catch? Nowhere. By partnering up with several major local businesses, Lussu, as an appreciation gesture towards paid members, is able to give its members the chance to enjoy a slice of luxury.

Lussu offers both a one-time membership and a monthly membership.

The Lussu one-time membership is a great way to try out Lussu’s offerings. This one-time membership gives you access to discounts from a number of outlets where you can save money when purchasing goods or services from official business partners and also receive entries for one particular giveaway.

By signing up to a monthly membership, members can access the Lussu Members Portal, where they can enjoy discounts from Lussu’s official business partners. Moreover, as a member you will receive entries into Lussu’s exclusive weekly luxury giveaways. And that’s not all – there’s also a €50 cash winner each week, which is only available to monthly members.

How does it work?

That’s simple. If you’re over 18 years of age and a resident in the Maltese Islands, visit and choose your membership package – either a one-time membership or a monthly membership. Then access the Lussu platform for exclusive discounts from Lussu partners and wait for the promotional giveaway results to see if you’re a winner. Winners are announced every Wednesday at 11am. If your entry is drawn as the lucky winner, the Lussu team will get in touch and guide you through the next steps to claim your prize.

Disclaimer: Members must be over 18.

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