A marine conservation project worth €2 million was launched Thursday aimed at improving the quality of Malta’s waters and biodiversity.

A collaborative project between government entities and NGOs, the “Marine Conservation – An Inclusive Approach to Managing Marine Resources” initiative aims to improve the country’s environment and benefit local communities including fishers.

The project is tasked with sustainably balancing business and recreational activities with the health of marine life around Malta, restoring damaged habitats and engaging with communities to raise awareness of issues affecting marine conservation.

It also aims to equip authorities with resources to protect marine areas more effectively and encourage “responsible practices” to foster a “culture of stewardship” for Malta’s coastal waters.

The project is led by the Environment and Resources Authority (ERA) in collaboration with the Fisheries Department, Aquatic Resources Malta, Transport Malta, Ambjent Malta, BirdLife Malta and Nature Trust Malta, and is co-financed with European funds.

Announcing the project, Environment Minister Miriam Dalli said” “Protecting marine habitats and species means safeguarding the livelihoods of those who depend on fishing and tourism, while also ensuring that everyone can continue to enjoy our seas for years to come.”

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