MIA-ACCA agreement renewed for further five years

The Malta Institute of Accountants (MIA) and ACCA (the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) have celebrated the 20th anniversary of their Joint Examination Scheme (JES) in Malta with three days of events, culminating in a joint half-day conference that explored the transformative role of the accountancy and auditing professional in today’s world.  Key themes at the conference included sustainability, digitalisation, and ethics - topics that are increasingly central to the responsibilities and challenges faced by accountants and auditors.

This celebration comes just after the renewal of the JES agreement between MIA and ACCA for another five years, reaffirming the commitment to equipping professional accountants with globally recognised, business-relevant qualifications.

MIA President Mark Bugeja said: “Our strong partnership with ACCA ensures that we are well-prepared to face future challenges and continue advancing the profession. The Institute is today a key player in supporting the profession as a champion of best practices and innovation. This role will continue to be strengthened through our relationship with ACCA”.

Celebration comes just after the renewal of the JES agreement between MIA and ACCA for another five years

Maria Cauchi Delia, CEO of the MIA, added: “Our partnership with ACCA over the past two decades has empowered professionals to set a high standard in accountancy, finance, and management. As we celebrate this milestone, we take pride in seeing qualified accountants become leaders across various sectors, both in Malta and internationally, thanks to the strong foundation provided by their ACCA Qualification”.

ACCA Chief Executive Helen Brand pledged ACCA’s continuing commitment to working alongside MIA to ensure students and members reach their full potential, by offering world class business education, supporting the Joint Examination Scheme and hosting events together, all with the objective of working towards the accountancy profession Malta both needs and deserves. “MIA and ACCA achieve so much together, including of course the exam scheme, but also in a wider sense. We work together on numerous forums and events to promote the growth and development of the accountancy profession to ensure it makes a strong and positive contribution to Malta’s economy and globally. These are the results and the record of a strong and productive alliance,” she said.

As part of these celebrations, MIA and ACCA hosted roundtable discussions with Approved Learning Partners and employers, together with an interactive session with students, with the objective of taking stock and building upon what has been achieved so far through this collaboration, and contribute towards the future success of all involved.

In addition, a cocktail event to celebrate this anniversary hosted by the MIA and ACCA  brought together a number of stakeholders who have been an integral part of MIA’s relationship with ACCA over the past two decades, including MIA Council Members, former MIA Presidents, past ACCA student award-winners and representatives from ACCA.

This article was first published in The Corporate Times

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