PA refuses permit for Sliema petrol station's reopening

The petrol station is located on Tower Road between two hotels

February 20, 2024| Times of Malta 2 min read
The disused petrol station on Tower Road, Sliema. The disused petrol station on Tower Road, Sliema.

The Planning Authority on Tuesday turned down an application for a disused petrol station on Tower Road, Sliema, to be upgraded and reopened.

The 76-square-metre facility lies between the Plaza Hotel and the Carlton Hotel, metres away from bars and restaurants.

The Development Control Commission explained that the reopening of the petrol station would cause 'operation challenges' since it was within an area which had seen considerable growth in residential and tourist accommodation. It would also generate additional traffic.

The application for a permit was submitted by Michael Attard Services Ltd, who sought to upgrade the existing, disused fuel station including all ancillary facilities, and the upgrading and refurbishment of underground fuel tanks having a capacity of 60,000 litres of fuel.

Residents had voiced strong safety concerns, pointing to its proximity to two hotels, bars, restaurants and residences.

The case officer had recommended approval of the application after no objections were made by the Environment and Resources Authority, Transport Malta, the Regulator for Energy and Water Services, REWS, and Enemalta, among others.  

Objectors argued that the fuel station, which has been out of use for years, was extremely close to established residential, tourism and entertainment uses, making it incompatible with its surroundings. Moreover, the cars exiting from the fuel station would cause an obstacle to traffic entering the sharp bend of Old College Street.

Residents also complained about the “unjustified” loss of valuable parking in the busy area.

They pointed out that another petrol station was located just 68 metres away. 


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