Pedestrian and motorcyclist injured in Burmarrad crash

The incident happened at Burmarrad Road at 2pm

August 10, 2024| Times of Malta 1 min read
Burmarrad Road closed to traffic on Saturday afternoon after a pedestrian was hit by a motorcylist. Credit: Matthew MirabelliBurmarrad Road closed to traffic on Saturday afternoon after a pedestrian was hit by a motorcylist. Credit: Matthew Mirabelli

Updated at 6.00 pm 

A female pedestrian was rushed to Mater Dei Hospital after being hit by a motorcycle in Burmarrad Road on Saturday afternoon. 

The police said the accident happened at around 2.00 pm.

The police said the pedestrian, a  39-year-old female from St Paul's Bay was walking on Triq Burmrrad and was hit by a Honda motorbike which a 45-year-old man, also from St Paul's Bay was driving.

A medical team, two ambulances and police were on site.

Both the driver and pedestrian were injured and taken to Mater Dei Hospital.

In a statement, police said both were certified with serious injuries. 

Police are investigating the accident.

 Burmarrad Road was closed to traffic from both lanes for a short while.

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