There are no less than 213 Good Friday statues that are carried in the numerous processions organised in Malta and Gozo.

Some of them date back to the 18th and 19th centuries – one of them to the early years of the 17th – and are still in use today. Others dating to the same centuries have been replaced, though most of them have been preserved in niches and oratories within the churches’ precincts.

Christ Carrying the Cross, Għaxaq: The work of Giuseppe Vella (1802-66) in c.1821-2, it was restored in 2005 but replaced by a wooden statue in 2015.Christ Carrying the Cross, Għaxaq: The work of Giuseppe Vella (1802-66) in c.1821-2, it was restored in 2005 but replaced by a wooden statue in 2015.

In this feature, a number of them are being published together with some information pertaining to their age, their statuaries and the localities where they are found.

Our Lady of Sorrows, Luqa: Attributed to Giuseppe Vella (1802-66) in c.1830, this group originally included a small angel instead of St John, at least till 1891 when restoration work was carried out. The statuary of St John is unknown.

Our Lady of Sorrows, Luqa: Attributed to Giuseppe Vella (1802-66) in c.1830, this group originally included a small angel instead of St John, at least till 1891 when restoration work was carried out. The statuary of St John is unknown.

The Crowning with Thorns, Naxxar: This statue was fashioned by Saverio Laferla (1697-1761) before 1750 and was replaced in 1982. Photo: Paul Catania, Naxxar

The Crowning with Thorns, Naxxar: This statue was fashioned by Saverio Laferla (1697-1761) before 1750 and was replaced in 1982. Photo: Paul Catania, Naxxar

The Scourging at the Pillar, Qormi: This statue is dated to the second half of the 19th century and is attributed to Carlo Darmanin (1825-1909). It was replaced in 1962.

The Scourging at the Pillar, Qormi: This statue is dated to the second half of the 19th century and is attributed to Carlo Darmanin (1825-1909). It was replaced in 1962.

The Crowning with Thorns, Rabat, Malta: This statue was made by Antonio Mifsud (1760-1826) in 1824. It was replaced in 1984.

The Crowning with Thorns, Rabat, Malta: This statue was made by Antonio Mifsud (1760-1826) in 1824. It was replaced in 1984.

Veronica, Għargħur: Made in pre-1880 and attributed to Kalċidon Mangion, this statue was replaced in 1993.

Veronica, Għargħur: Made in pre-1880 and attributed to Kalċidon Mangion, this statue was replaced in 1993.

All the featured statues have been fashioned in papièr-mâche.

Unless otherwise stated, the photographs are from author's collection.

Christ Laid to Rest (The Monument), Rabat, Malta: this old wooden sepulchre (or urn) was imported from Sicily and goes back to the 16th century. It was renovated three times before it was replaced in 1953 by a replica. Photo: Joseph MuscatChrist Laid to Rest (The Monument), Rabat, Malta: this old wooden sepulchre (or urn) was imported from Sicily and goes back to the 16th century. It was renovated three times before it was replaced in 1953 by a replica. Photo: Joseph Muscat

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