The Pink Women’s Well-being Brunch, held at The Phoenicia last week, in collaboration with Niumee, gathered together women who want a better understanding of menopause and to stay on top of the game.

Pink Women’s Well-being Brunch. Video: Rocksteady

They listened to a talk by Dr Irina Matveikova, who flew in from Spain, where she specialises in functional medicine and hormonal health. A devoted practitioner of science-based, personalised medicine, Matveikova’s medical focus is on lifestyle changes, hormonal health and the microbiome.

Packed goodie bags waiting for the guests.Packed goodie bags waiting for the guests.

The event was sold out.The event was sold out.

Currently mentoring a few doctors in Malta, she gave insight into the menopause journey – a topic that is being pushed to the forefront everywhere.

From the first documentary film that addresses the marginalised or ignored health crisis faced by millions of women as they go through menopause, to celebrities normalising talk around it, and a Times of Malta story that showed gynaecologists were sometimes uninformed and out of their league when it came to this phase in life, the event was designed to take the subject further, learn the facts and understand not just how to survive but also thrive at this stage.

Maria Bugeja (left) with Dr Irina Matveikova.Maria Bugeja (left) with Dr Irina Matveikova.

Guests browsing through informative leaflets.Guests browsing through informative leaflets.

Lack of sleep, loss of libido, brain fog, hot flashes and a host of other symptoms during what is described as ‘change of life’ have been considered unavoidable for too long. But this need not be the case, and they are not just a normal part of life, the women at the workshop learnt.

The ‘secret power’ of hormones and their patterns were discussed to learn how to stay healthy and energised at any age, in an attempt to dispel the “myth” that nothing can be done.

The event included a light brunch.

The event included a light brunch.



Sunday in Scotland chocolates

Sunday in Scotland chocolates

Sparkling tea was served.Sparkling tea was served.

Guests enjoyed a light brunch, networked and visited the stands set up with related products on display, apart from enjoying sparkling teas, white port and some fine Sunday in Scotland chocolate, leaving enlightened and loaded with goody bags in traditional Pink style.

Guests networking during brunch.

Guests networking during brunch.





The Pink Women’s Well-being Brunch was supported by AM Mangion with Korres, BOV, Browns, EJ Busuttil, Holland & Barrett, Mint Health, Perrier, Porsche, Shades by O’hea, Tettiera and The London Essence.

Porsche was one of the event's sponsors.Porsche was one of the event's sponsors.

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