The President of Malta, Myriam Spiteri Debono, visited Gozo College Rabat Primary School, a place close to her heart as it is the very school she attended during her childhood.

The visit marked a significant and nostalgic return for the president, showcasing her ongoing commitment to education and youth.

President Spiteri Debono was warmly greeted by the senior leadership team (SLT). The kindergarten children of the school welcomed her at the school’s foyer, setting a joyful tone for the day’s events. The students and staff gathered in the school yard to welcome the President.

The celebration began with the playing of the national anthem, followed by a heartfelt song performed by Year 1 students. Year 6 student Riley Cefai welcomed the President on behalf of all the students, followed by a captivating dance by two talented Year 4 students.

President Spiteri Debono delivered a powerful message, emphasising solidarity and tolerance, encouraging students to embrace these values in their daily lives.

As a token of appreciation, she was presented with a special card designed by one of the teachers, along with other thoughtful gifts.

After the assembly event, President Spiteri Debono was escorted to the school head’s office, where she signed the visitors’ book. She later visited several classrooms, engaging with the children, listening to their stories and offering words of encouragement.

According to head of school, Lelio Spiteri, the visit not only highlighted the president’s dedication to education but also inspired the students, leaving a lasting impression on the entire school community.

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