Qormi health centre reopened after €2.8 million revamp

The facility was built in 1989

March 20, 2024| Times of Malta 1 min read
The revamped health centre in Qormi. Photo: Jonathan Borg. The revamped health centre in Qormi. Photo: Jonathan Borg.

Qormi health centre was reopened on Wednesday after a €2.8 million refurbishment lasting seven months.

It has been modernised to better cater for primary healthcare services, including the installation of a new X-Ray machine, and now also has better facilities for the treatment of diabetes and mental health.

"We strongly believe that mental health services should be provided within the localities," Prime Minister Robert Abela said as he reopened the health centre.

He said that 700 people a month make use of the Qormi health centre's mental health services.

"These are the realities and challenges we are facing," he said. 

The prime minister celebrates the completion of the refurbishment with Health Minister JoEtienne Abela.The prime minister celebrates the completion of the refurbishment with Health Minister JoEtienne Abela.

Diabetic patients could now also receive a personalised care plan at the renovated health service following diagnosis by a "multi-disciplinary team," a statement from the prime minister's office said.

Qormi health centre was built in 1989.

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