The sacrifice of those who fought and died in the Sta Marija Convoy should lead all to work for peace in a turbulent world, President Myriam Spiteri Debono said at a commemoration of the epic Second World War battle on Tuesday.

The Sta Marija Convoy saw 14 merchant ships escorted by a vast armada of warships battle their way from Gibraltar to Malta in mid-August 1942, carrying much-needed food and ammunition. Just five warships managed to reach the island, saving the island from the brink of starvation.

"It would be a waste of time, pointless, if as we remember the hardship of the Second World War, and particularly the Siege of Malta, we are not moved by the injustice of war and of the armed conflict situations prevailing around the world today. The suffering of the populace, in the Middle East, as well as the war in Ukraine, are reminders that humanity has not yet forsaken violence and atrocity but is still employing atrocity and violence, fostering more hatred instead of reconciliation," Spiteri Debono added. 

She delivered her address on a patrol boat in Grand Harbour before wreaths were thrown in the sea to commemorate the fallen. The ceremony was organised by the Royal British Legion, Malta branch. 

"To be worthy of our forefathers, to ensure that their loss of life and limb, their suffering during the Second World War were not wasted, the present Maltese generations, regardless of our small size and resources, have a constitutional duty to actively pursue peace and strive for harmony in a world which is witnessing a resurgence of human suffering, a perpetuation of brutality by humans against humans, resorting to weapons of war instead of discussion and dialogue as tools for achieving and maintaining peace," the president said. 

The Last Post for the fallen of the Sta Marija convoy.The Last Post for the fallen of the Sta Marija convoy.

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