Sannat is celebrating the feast of its patron saint, Margaret of Antioch, over the weekend.

Bishop Anton Teuma will lead a concelebrated mass on Sunday at 9am. He will also deliver the homily. The Missa in Honorem S. Margaritae by Charles Camilleri will be performed, under the direction of Joseph Debrincat. Mgr Anton Mizzi will lead vespers at 6.30pm, with the participation of the orchestra and singing of the antiphon. The hymn, Innu l-Kbir ad Unur ta’ Santa Margerita, will be performed with the participation of soprano Georgina Gauci and the Ulied Margerita choir.

The procession with the statue of the saint, led by Mgr Mizzi, will leave the parish church at 7.45pm, accompanied by the Santa Margerita Band, under the direction of Mro George Apap.

The La Stella Band and Ite ad Joseph bands will perform a concert at St Margerita Square. Festivities will end with a band march by the Ite ad Joseph band at 10.30pm.

On Saturday, eve of the feast, the translation of the relic will take place from the Eucharistic chapel to the parish church at 6.15pm. It will be led by Mgr John Muscat and accompanied by the St Margerita Band. There will be synchronised fireworks display at 10.30pm. Ground fireworks, together with a spectacle of light and synchronised music, will be held at St Margerita Square at 11.45pm.

All church functions will be transmitted live on the parish community radio Radju Margerita, 96.1FM, and also streamed live on

Meanwhile, the seventh day of the novena of St Margerita, which fell on Wednesday, was dedicated to children. Archpriest Michael Curmi, assisted by deacon Matthew Borg, celebrated mass with the participation of the Fjur tal-Martri Margerita children’s choir, directed by Georgina Gauci, assisted by Orietta Grech. Wayne Grech played the organ.

Lia Abela invoking a special prayer for her sister who is recovering abroad during mass celebrated by archpriest Michael Curmi.Lia Abela invoking a special prayer for her sister who is recovering abroad during mass celebrated by archpriest Michael Curmi.

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