Malta’s maritime industry, a pillar of our economy and a symbol of our national identity, is at a crucial juncture. Despite our island’s rich maritime heri­tage and strategic location, the current structure under which this sector operates is not fit for purpose.

The maritime sector is currently managed under the broad umbrella of Transport Malta, which also oversees land and air transport. This arrangement, while convenient on paper, has led to inefficiencies and a lack of focused leadership.

The maritime industry is simply too important and too complex to be treated as just another branch of transport. This is why I am calling for the demerger of the maritime sector from Transport Malta and the establishment of a dedicated Maritime Authority.

A dedicated Maritime Authority would ensure that the unique needs and opportunities of the maritime sector receive the attention they deserve. Such an authority would be tasked with developing and implementing a comprehensive maritime strategy, tailored specifically to the sector’s requirements. This would allow a more focused approach, ensuring that all aspects of the industry are working in harmony towards common goals.

Malta’s maritime sector is not a monolithic entity but rather a collection of interconnected pillars, each vital to the overall success of the industry. These include education and training, bunkering, ship repairs and refits, the superyacht and chartering industry, our world-renowned ship register, shipping agents, surveyors, the Freeport and the cruise line industry, all of which need to have a holistic vision established hand in hand with stakeholders to ensure we achieve the highest-level service and sustainability.

Central to this strategy must be a commitment to modernising and expanding our maritime infrastructure. Our ports are the lifeblood of the industry, yet, they are currently not equipped to handle the expected growth in global maritime trade. We must invest in state-of-the-art port facilities that can accommodate larger vessels and increased traffic, while also enhancing our connectivity with major global shipping routes.

But it’s not just about capacity; it’s also about sustainability. As we modernise, we must also adopt new technologies that minimise our environmental impact but complement our holistic vision for the sector. Initiatives to reduce maritime waste should also be at the forefront of our planning. These steps are essential if we are to ensure that our maritime sector is not only economically viable but also environmentally sustainable.

Another cornerstone of a successful maritime strategy is education and training. The maritime industry is evolving rapidly and our workforce must be equipped to meet these challenges. Our maritime academies and training centres offer cutting-edge programmes that prepare students for careers in the maritime sector although there needs to be significant investment by the government to ensure that Malta becomes the obvious choice for maritime students across the globe.

Continuous professional development is also crucial, ensuring that those already in the industry can keep pace with technological advancements and regulatory changes.

The government has a duty to continue investing in maritime summits, ensuring a strong presence that highlights Malta’s dedication and professionalism in the maritime sector.

Malta’s superyacht and chartering industry represents a significant growth opportunity. Our favourable tax regime and marinas have already made us a preferred destination for the world’s largest yachts.

However, to fully capitalise on this potential, we need a targeted strategy thinking; we must start marketing Malta as a premier superyacht destination, looking beyond traditional marina facilities cluttering our port as well as enhancing what we have and ensuring that our regulatory frameworks remain attractive to international clients.

We must invest in state-of-the-art port facilities that can accommodate larger vessels and increased traffic- Ivan Castillo

I want to see Malta once again as a major maritime nation. We also have a responsibility to protect the Mediterranean’s delicate ecosystem. Environmental sustainability must be at the heart of our holistic maritime strategy. This means not only enforcing environmental regulations but also leading by example. The Blue Economy, which emphasises the sustainable use of ocean resources, should be central to our approach.

Our ship register is one of the largest in the world, a testament to our strong regulatory framework and the expertise of our shipping agents and surveyors. However, maintaining this position requires continuous innovation and the adoption of new technologies to streamline registration processes, enhance security and improve service delivery. A dedicated Maritime Authority could drive these innovations, ensuring that our register remains a global leader.

Finally, we must not overlook the importance of our international standing. Malta’s strategic location gives us a unique advantage but this advantage must be actively maintained. We need to strengthen our regulatory framework to ensure that it is both competitive and compliant with international standards, proactive rather than reactive to changes in EU regulatory policies, creating opportunities rather than deterrents.

Additionally, we should explore opportunities for regional cooperation, enhan­­cing our role in international maritime agreements and partnerships.

The maritime sector is integral to Malta’s past, present and future. Yet, without a dedicated Maritime Authority and a comprehensive strategy, we risk undermining one of our greatest national assets.

The Nationalist Party in government will be dedicated and determined to work with industry stakeholders and the public to support the creation of a dedicated Maritime Authority and the development of a national maritime strategy.

With the right infrastructure, education, environmental focus and international cooperation, we can secure Malta’s maritime future, ensuring that our island remains a global leader in the maritime sector for generations to come, where the rest of the world once again looks towards Malta as a point of reference.

This is not just about preserving our maritime legacy; it’s about building a prosperous future for Malta, where the maritime sector continues to be a cornerstone of our economy, culture and international standing.

Ivan Castillo is the Nationalist Party’s spokesperson on the maritime sector, social dialogue and the cost of living.

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