Greens Supermarket at The Duke Shopping Mall in Victoria marked its anniversary by, once again, supporting ALS Malta+, a charitable organisation dedicated to improving the lives of patients sufering from neurological disorders.

This year’s celebration marked the sixth consecutive year that the supermarket has partnered with ALS Malta+ to contribute towards their noble cause.

As part of the festivities, Greens Supermarket invited ALS Malta+ representatives to join them at their outlet in Gozo.

The highlight of the occasion was the announcement of Greens’ generous donation in support of ALS Malta+’s upcoming respite project. The new service will be an extension of Dar Bjorn in Żebbuġ, Malta, where patients will receive care and help for a defined number of days. The project is aimed at providing temporary relief to caregivers, allowing them to take a much-needed break while ensuring that patients continue to receive the care they need.

ALS Malta+ founder, Bjorn Formosa, expressed his gratitude for Greens Supermarket’s unwavering support over the years.

“With the backing of community-oriented businesses like Greens, ALS Malta+ continues to expand its reach and impact, offering hope and support to those who need it most,” Formosa said.

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