The PN on Monday marked International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women by urging the authorities to fix the systems meant to protect women.

In a statement, the party remembered all victims of domestic violence and femicide, including those who live with abuse in silence.

"Despite improvement in certain areas and legislation, the systems that are supposed to protect women in our country are repeatedly failing.

"This is evident when we consider the substantial number of 2,471 pending domestic violence cases in the courts, many of which are still awaiting their first hearing. Excessive delays not only harm the victims but also place them at greater risk of suffering further abuse and, in some cases, preventable tragedies."

The PN said the law on paper was not enough.

It called for an effective system and immediate action to prevent further tragedies. It was time to move from words to action, it added.

"The PN cannot accept that such a day needs to be marked in our country for us to recognise the gravity of the problem," it said.

"Daily commitments must be driven by a sense of urgency and responsibility to protect all women – not just with fine words, but with concrete and practical actions that ensure their safety and prevention of harm."

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