The following are the top stories in Malta's Sunday newspapers.

The Sunday Times of Malta leads with remarks by the president of the Malta Hotels and Restaurants Association that Malta has about reached maximum capacity and the sustainability of Malta's tourism industry is at risk. 

The newspaper also quotes MEP Alex Agius Saliba welcoming the change of Labour CEO. Agius Saliba is expected to contest the election to become PL deputy leader for party affairs. 

The Malta Independent on Sunday quotes the police commissioner saying the police probe into the conclusions of the hospitals magisterial inquiry is continuing. 

MaltaToday says the parents of a hacker facing extradition to the US are pleading for him to be able to serve his sentence in Malta.  It also says the cabby lobby group has blasted Bolt's 'retaliatory' price hikes.   

Il-Mument under a big picture of Robert Abela says the prime minister is isolated in the Labour Party. 

KullĦadd says the Labour Party is setting the course for its future. 

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