These are the leading stories in local newspapers this Saturday.

Times of Malta leads with Police Commissioner Angelo Gafa saying police have seen a huge spike in harassment reports filed in the days after Nicolette Ghirxi’s murder. Ghirxi was killed by her ex-boyfriend, who was harassing her in the months leading to her death.

The newspaper also gives prominence to a PN call for cybercrime suspect Daniel Meli to be tried and jailed in Malta, rather than extradited to the USA.

The Malta Independent reports academic Andrew Azzopardi criticising the prison system ‘focused on retribution’ which he says is leading to repeat offenders.

The newspaper also reports with prominence a decision to convene parliamentary committees to discuss ways in which to protect women following Ghirxi’s murder.

In-Nazzjon leads with news of that parliamentary decision, which it notes came following a request filed by the Nationalist Party. It also highlights Irish media reports which, quoting Ghirxi’s lawyer, said the murder victim could still be alive.

The PN’s calls for the government to reject an extradition request for Daniel Meli also makes the newspaper’s front page.

L-Orizzont leads with Pope Francis calling for an end to hostilities in Gaza. It also reports on an Ombudsman's report which found that a woman was denied entry to visit her cancer-striken husband in hospital during the election due to voting rules. 

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