The following are the top stories in Malta's newspapers on Wednesday.

Times of Malta reports that a policeman who formed part of the Special Intervention Unit has been suspended after testing positive for cocaine, He is also being investigated over information leaks. 

The newspaper also reports that the Maltese are most sceptical of gender quotas in politics in the EU. 

The Malta Independent, MaltaToday and In-Nazzjon lead with an MUT protest outside the Education Ministry over the breakdown of talks for a new collective agreement at MCAST. The Independent also reports that a police inspector was awarded €20,000 compensation after being detained illegally. 

MaltaToday says the Environment Authority has not objected to a proposed new link road to SmartCity, taking up agricultural land. 

l-orizzont says an MCESD task force has resumed talks on the government's Vision 2050 document. 

In-Nazzjon says the Standards Commissioner has dismissed a complaint by the justice minister against two Nationalist MPs, who he accused of lying when they claimed the government could reintroduce criminal libel.

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