Today's front pages - December 21, 2024
A look at what's making headlines in local newspapers this Saturday

These are the leading stories in local newspapers this Saturday.
Times of Malta leads with a man who was assaulted by strangers in Paceville to the point he ended up in a coma speaking out.
The newspaper also runs a report from court, which dismissed sex abuse accusations a child made against her father.
The Malta Independent leads with news of a Malta Tourism Authority tender to restore the Victoria Lines.
It also reports on a move by NGO Wirt Għawdex to appeal a Planning Authority decision approving what it calls “the ruin of Fort Chambray”.
L-Orizzont leads with Robert Abela saying the only real victory in the Ukraine war will be the permanent end of violence there.
It also highlights General Workers Union involvement in the annual ‘Rigal b’Imħabba’ initiative in Castille Square.
In-Nazzjon reports that parliament’s Public Accounts Committee is to probe spending by the Tourism and Gozo Ministries as well as Malta Film Commission.