These are the stories making front page headlines in local newspapers this Saturday.

Times of Malta leads with a former chief justice’s excoriating criticism of plans to reform the system of magisterial inquiries. The changes will only benefit politicians, Silvio Camilleri said.

The newspaper also reports on the curious case of a Belgian show jumper who forged a Maltese passport and driving licence in an apparent bid to make it to the Paris Olympics.

The Malta Independent leads with the Malta Union of Teachers signing a new collective agreement for teachers at Church schools.

The newspaper also leads with the PN accusing the government of having sowed chaos with its economic plan.

In-Nazzjon reports that hundreds paid tribute to Dun Victor Grech during an open casket public viewing at which they were also able to sign a book of condolences. Grech will be buried on Saturday.

The newspaper also highlights the PN’s critique of the government’s proposed labour market policy. Such a policy first requires a long-term economic vision, the party said.

L-Orizzont reports that the government met with social partners to present its plans to reform inquiries and reassure them that the plan is a positive one.

The newspaper also notes that Dun Victor Grech’s funeral will be held today.


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