The following are the top stories in Malta's newspapers on Friday.

Times of Malta and L-orizzont lead with news that one of three people charged with the attempted murder of a Żurrieq jewellery shop owner has been handed a 28-year jail sentence after pleading guilty.

The Times also reports that construction workers have been the least to benefit from Malta’s decade-long construction boom.

The Malta Independent and In-Nazzjon meanwhile lead with news that the prosecution told a court on Thursday Keith Schembri was in possession of a confidential police email.

The Independent also reports that a new partnership with three private hospitals will see the outsourcing of emergency services in a bid to ease wait times at Mater Dei Hospital.

In-Nazzjon separately claims the government was ignoring traffic solutions proposed by the private sector.

L-orizzont meanwhile leads with comments in court by Joseph Muscat, who on Thursday shed doubt over the legitimacy of the magisterial inquiry into the hospitals’ concession agreement.

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