The following are the main stories in Sunday's newspapers.

The Sunday Times of Malta leads with comments by Home Affairs Minister Byron Camilleri, who, in an interview with the newspaper said that the recently unveiled Labour Migration Policy will “stabilise” Malta’s population growth.

The newspaper also publishes comments by doctors who have described the accident and emergency department at Mater Dei Hospital as being a “disaster” that is well “beyond its breaking point”.

The Malta Independent on Sunday leads with news that discussions between the government and the Malta Union of Teachers over a new collective agreement for MCAST lecturers have progressed, and the union is hoping that the issue will be resolved by the end of this month.

The Independent also publishes comments by the Parliamentary Ombudsman - judge emeritus Joseph Zammit McKeon - who said that while enforcement fell within the remit of the Law Courts, his recommendations carried a moral weight that made the institutions duty-bound to take heed and mend their ways for their benefit as well as that of the people.

Malta Today meanwhile looks into how Robert Abela has set his eyes on a new political battle - associating the Nationalist Party with Repubblika and Jason Azzopardi. 

Illum separately notes that the electorate could see the return of former health minister Chris Fearne before the general election. 

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