The following are the top stories in Malta's newspapers on Thursday.

Times of Malta leads with news that the boyfriend of an 18-year-old Sardinian woman who fell four storeys from a Paceville hotel last week admitted to harming her and paid a €250 fine for drug possession.

Separately, the newspaper reports that Fgura’s main road - Triq Hompesch - along with 13 other streets and squares, will undergo renovations to enhance pedestrian accessibility as part of the Vjal Kulħadd (Everyone’s Boulevard) initiative.

The Malta Independent leads with news that government MPs shot down all of the Opposition's proposals to amend Malta's anti-SLAPP laws on Wednesday.

The newspaper also reports that eight organisations have again appealed to the government to publish a White Paper on its proposed magisterial inquiry reform before the Bill proceeds to the second reading stage in Parliament.

In-Nazzjon refers to the PN's opposition to a government's bill to reform magisterial inquiries. 

It also reports that the Institute of Journalists said it was "disgusted" with the government's position against the Opposition's proposals to amend Malta's anti-SLAPP laws. 

L-orizzont meanwhile reports that a group of Gozo parishioners has stepped in to organise a funeral for four people who died last year but whose bodies remained unclaimed after no relatives or friends came forward to organise their burial.

The newspaper also reports that the government has launched a strategy to facilitate the integration of non-Maltese into Maltese society. 

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