The following are the top stories in Malta's newspapers on Monday.

Times of Malta leads with a summit which discussed a possible way to peace in Ukraine.  Leaders from over 100 countries backed Ukrainian independence and territorial integrity but called for dialogue with Russia.

The newspaper also features comments by former Prime Minister Joseph Muscat on the outcome of the elections on Saturday week.

The Malta Independent reports that Roberta Metsola has accepted a nomination to be the EPP's candidate for a second term as European Parliament president.  It also quotes Prime Minister Robert Abela saying the people expected more from the government.

L-orizzont quotes Abela saying the elections showed the people want Labour to stay in government. The newspaper also highlights official data showing that 19 minors needed treatment for self-harm last year and growing mental health problems at workplaces, underlining the need for urgent action in the sector. 

In-Nazzjon leads with remarks by PN leader Bernard Grech that voters had instilled new hope for the country at the elections.

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