These are the stories making front-page headlines in local newspapers this Saturday. 

Times of Malta reports how three firefighters were injured in a fire that broke out on Thursday night in a Naxxar industrial complex. 

It also reports how a man who killed a pedestrian when he ran her over at 140km/hr back in 2017 has had his high-end sports car returned to him. 

The Malta Independent leads with news that over 33,000 public service workers are poised to get a pay bump and better working conditions after a collective agreement for the public sector was formally signed on Friday. 

The newspaper also reports comments by Prime Minister Robert Abela who said it is “too early” to say if former tourism minister Clayton Bartolo will be allowed to contest the election on a PL ticket. 

L-Orizzont leads with a court report of how a 32-year-old man was accused of rape. 

In-Nazzjon leads with a report on how Prime Minister Robert Abela continues to defend Gozo Minister Clint Camilleri. 


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