Transport Malta in training exercises with AFM, Italian coast guard

Officials were trained on how to respond to marine pollution

May 10, 2024| Times of Malta 1 min read
Some of the exercises carried out. Photo: Transport Malta Some of the exercises carried out. Photo: Transport Malta

Transport Malta, in collaboration with the Armed Forces of Malta and the Italian Guardia Costiera, took part in a pollution response exercise. 

The transport regulator said in a statement on Friday that the exercises, which were carried out as part of the ‘Barracuda 2024’ framework, mark the first time Malta and Italy have carried out bilateral exercises that focus exclusively on marine pollution preparedness and response. 

Photo: Transport MaltaPhoto: Transport Malta

Due to Malta’s location in the Mediterranean, it is particularly vulnerable to maritime incidents and it is imperative that its beaches, ports and desalination plants are safeguarded. 

“Malta has diligently worked over the past decade to bolster its capabilities in responding to pollution incidents, including robust legislative measures and investment in training and equipment,” Transport Malta said in a statement. 

“Despite these efforts, the reality remains that no single country can effectively manage a major pollution incident alone. Hence, Malta's decision to partake in the BARRACUDA 2024 Exercise was a natural one, given Italy's proximity and shared interests in maritime safety.”

Photo: Transport MaltaPhoto: Transport Malta

Exercises of this nature not only allow for mutual learning but foster increased cooperation between coastal states, they said. 

It added that it hopes these exercises spawn further collaboration in the future and will eventually lead to a bilateral agreement between Malta and Italy on the matter.

Photo: Transport MaltaPhoto: Transport Malta

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