Two Maltese are being held by Sicily police after being found in unauthorised possession of shotguns, ammunition and dead birds while waiting to board the ferry to Malta.

Ragusa police said the two, aged 52 and 49 were carrying two shotguns, 50 shotgun cartridges and 39 dead birds, including wood pigeons, a dove, woodcocks, mallards, teals and snipes.

They were not authorised to hunt in Italy.

The Ragusa authorities said they have intensified passenger checks at the Port of Pozzallo since this was not the first case of Maltese individuals practising unauthorised hunting in Sicily. 

Some of the birds and shotgun cartridges seized from Maltese poachers in Sicily. Photo: Ragusa CouncilSome of the birds and shotgun cartridges seized from Maltese poachers in Sicily. Photo: Ragusa Council

BirdLife Malta CEO Mark Sultana told Times of Malta that the impunity with which certain hunters in Malta felt they could operate, due to poor law enforcement, was leading them to believe they could act similarly in other countries.

"This case clearly demonstrates the arrogance and selfishness of this activity," he said, adding that BirdLife Malta wished to thank the Italian police and the authorities in Ragusa for the valuable work they were doing to curb this behaviour, which tarnished Malta’s reputation and that of many Maltese who visited Sicily to enjoy the natural environment.

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