The Xemxija fire station has been upgraded, with new equipment and better amenities for the crews of the Civil Protection Department.

It is the first major upgrade since the station was opened in the 1990s. The department said the station can now better handle emergency vehicles and equipment and has dedicated decontamination areas for firefighters.

Fire-fighting gear at the fire station.Fire-fighting gear at the fire station.

Home Affairs Minister Byron Camilleri, who visited the station, said it was important to ensure that Malta remained prepared for any emergency.

Home Affairs Minister Byron Camilleri was shown around the fire station.Home Affairs Minister Byron Camilleri was shown around the fire station.

He said the upgrade was part of a broader initiative to modernise the Civil Protection Department. Recent improvements included new protective gear, such as lighter and safer fire suits and immersion suits, as well as the extension of the maritime fire station. Additionally, work is underway on new fire stations in Floriana and Baħar iċ-Ċagħaq. The department is also expanding its fleet with specialised vehicles designed for industrial, domestic, and hazardous material (HAZMAT) fires.

He also pointed out that to enhance response times, the government has developed a nationwide infrastructure allowing firefighters to access water supply points without returning to their stations. A new CCTV system is being installed on fire engines, enabling real-time monitoring of incidents to improve decision-making and emergency coordination.

Working conditions and training for staff were also being improved.  

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