The Skate Park at Msida which was planned to be an oasis in the middle of a concrete jungle where some of our youth could practice their favourite sport or pastime, is turning out to be anything but.

The skate area, the turfed soft areas and the passages leading to the skate park, have become a veritable dumping ground of all kinds of rubbish.

ELC workers who were originally intended to clean the area twice weekly are now doing so daily in an effort to beat this overwhelming abuse of our litter laws. Day in day out we are removing from site considerable amounts of rubbish, sometimes numbering even as many as eight large bags.

There would seem to be no end to this frustrating saga unless whoever is responsible to oversee that this does not happen, roll up their sleeves to put an immediate stop to this blatant abuse. It particularly pains us to notice that notwithstanding that the authorities placed adequate bins where "patrons" of the park can dispose of their throw-aways, these bins most of the time remain empty or partially so, while the area where they are sited is strewn with litter.

Can it be that some of our youths are uneducated to the extent that they do not even have the decency to keep the place clean? It would seem that as evinced by the accompanying photograph this is unfortunately the case. And this is not to mention the supposedly artistic spraying of walls, contributions by budding artists! Did somebody somewhere mention wardens who can fine on the spot?

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