Big Bon Group, the business established in 1950 in the tex-tile industry, is to launch a new corporate logo, its first step in a planned re-branding exercise.

The logo is clearly characterised by four distinct pebble-like forms in different colours, representing the group’s main areas of operations: green stands for Big Bon Family which gathers all the retail activity which, up to now, was recognised under the Bossini brand, orange represents Big Bon Living and includes the activity taking place under the Carmelo Delia brand, turquoise represents the Big Bon franchising business through the various franchising brands represented in Malta, while purple represents the Big Bon manufacturing business.

“It is this stability and vision that we wanted to portray in the new logo which, as it is now, represents all the main elements that define our organisation,” managing director Bernard Gauci explained.

“The logo reflects an organisation that is always ready to look beyond its current operation towards creating new opportunities for growth.”

The design of the new logo and the re-branding exercise are being coordinated by Corporate Identities.

Big Bon Group is to launch its new corporate portal shortly.

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