• 5 large eggs, separated
• 120g caster sugar
• 40g cocoa powder, sifted
• 40g plain flour, sifted
• 250ml cream
• 50g dark chocolate, melted
• Whipped cream and chocolate for decoration
• Icing sugar for dusting

Preheat the oven to 180°C and line a Swiss roll tin with non-stick baking paper or lightly greased greaseproof paper. Beat the egg yolks and caster sugar together in a large bowl until creamy but not too thick, then beat in the cocoa and flour.

Whisk the egg whites in a separate bowl until they form soft peaks, then gradually fold them into the cocoa mixture. Pour it all into the tin and bake for 20 minutes or until it feels springy to the touch.

Turn the cake out on to a clean tea towel and carefully remove the baking paper. Trim off the crisp edges, lay a sheet of greaseproof over the cake then, using the tea towel to help, roll them up together so the paper is on the inside. Cool on a wire rack. Whip the cream until thick and stir in the melted chocolate. Unroll the cake, remove the paper, spread with the cream and roll up again. Pipe a squiggle of whipped cream along the top of the cake, decorate with pieces of chocolate or chocolate curls, then dust with icing sugar and transfer to a serving plate.

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