Diesel spillage and poor cooling were the cause of the fires on three bendy buses in August last year, according  to a report prepared by experts appointed by Transport Malta and Arriva.

The experts examined the remains of the buses which caught fire as well as six other bendy buses selected at random, and found that all the buses had a problem of diesel leakage on hot parts of the engine compartment, and the problem was compounded by cooling problems  which saw engine temperature rising to 50 degrees when it should have been between 20 and 30 degrees.

Arriva had been aware of the cooling problem and had replaced radiators with bigger ones, but the problem persisted.

The experts found that fuel spillage on the light side of the engine compartments of all the buses, close to the turbo. In most cases, the source of the leakage was not identified. Several of the buses which were inspected had damaged fuel hoses.

The fires were all accidental but preventable, the experts said. The possibility of arson could not be totally ruled out given that there were so many fires in such a short span of time.

The bendy buses were taken off the streets after the fires and never returned.


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