Scouts and guides parade tomorrow

The Scout Association of Malta and The Malta Girl Guides will be teaming up again to organise this year’s scouts and guides parade tomorrow. All groups will be marching in uniform behind the colours of the Maltese scouting and guiding flags. Holy Mass...

April 21, 2018| Times of Malta 1 min read

The Scout Association of Malta and The Malta Girl Guides will be teaming up again to organise this year’s scouts and guides parade tomorrow.

All groups will be marching in uniform behind the colours of the Maltese scouting and guiding flags.

Holy Mass will be celebrated at 9am at the Catholic Institute, Floriana, led by Gozo Bishop Mario Grech.

Sarria Road in Floriana will be closed off to traffic by 9am so that, after Mass, all scout and guide groups will start their fall on the Granaries and near the Mall Gardens. This year, the parade will be led by the Gozo district, followed by the north, south and central districts.

The march-off will take place at 10am.

President Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca will then take the salute of all scout and guide groups on a dais placed near the Grandmaster’s Palace in St George’s Square, Valletta.

As in previous years, the groups will march down Republic Street, pass the Palace through St George’s Square and turn right into Archbishop Street, turning right once more to march up Merchants Street and then proceed down to Pjazza De La Valette.

More information on the Scout Association of Malta may be obtained by e-mail on PR@scout., online at, by calling 7986 7683 or by visiting

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