The second edition of the Academy of Givers’ For Impact Event and Fair, held recently, saw a healthy mix of businesses and NGOs come together to share ideas and listen to leaders within the fields of ESG (environmental, social and corporate governance), voluntary organisations, purpose and giving with the intention of collectively finding ways of creating a greater positive impact on society.

The event featured inspirational talks, workshops, themed discussions on various topics such as the importance of supporting culture to safeguarding Malta’s nature footprint, as well as an Impact Fair and NGO Pitch Fest, which showcased some of Malta’s most inspiring NGOs.

Participants also voted for the NGO of their choice, following which the winners were awarded €1,500. The event opened with a message by Julia Farrugia Portelli, Minister for Inclusion, Voluntary Organisations and Consumer Rights, who said: “There are strong-willed men and women of all ages dedicated to tackling social and environmental issues that still concern our islands. The reality, however, is that the public at large and the corporate sector still need to be made aware of what has been done, is being done and will be done, as we wisely spotlight this huge amount of voluntary work by effective initiatives such as this one.”

The event’s discussions provided key outcomes and food for thought for businesses. One of the issues highlighted that the different sectors working towards creating change in Malta – whether it be through ESG, social/environmental initiatives or corporate responsibility – need to be collaborating more.

Organisations need to understand the needs of the social, cultural and environmental sectors and align their business to support change and see real, long-lasting impact from their actions. When supporting NGOs, companies need to give effectively, empower those they’re supporting and work through the creation of partnerships.

Businesses have the opportunity to use their resources and look at the kind of legacy they want to leave for generations to come. Focusing efforts on becoming more of a purpose-led business is the way forward. 

As an example, Will Gardner, co-founder of Motive, one of the three speakers brought to Malta for the For Impact Event & Fair, who worked with GO plc on its purpose journey, explained that the GO leadership team redefined the company’s purpose to centre around the customer/citizen and their digital needs. 

GO’s purpose is to drive a digital Malta where no one is left behind. They use this as the lens through which all decisions are taken at GO. Gardner then explained the results achieved by the company since launching their purpose just three years ago and the increase in performance across a number of metrics.

A panel discussion on ‘Frameworks Encouraging Impact’ pointed out that one needs to understand the value of giving, map out the current context and work on the frameworks to tackle the issue of legal constraints, so that there is less complexity and more of a clear strategy and common standards to be able to create a more effective environment for social impact.

The Academy of Givers is about the “sum of the people around us”, as its president Mark Weingard shared, creating a space to bridge gaps, taking steps to improve giving, as well as encouraging collaboration and corporate responsibility. A report on the recommendations that have emerged from the event will be published shortly.

For more information on the Academy of Givers and membership, visit https://www.academyofgivers.

org/, follow them on Facebook or LinkedIn or reach out to the team at

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