Maltese dancers perform in England

Thirteen dancers from Dance College Studios were guest performers at the annual show organised by Dansworks Dance Academy of Bacup, Rossendale in England. College principal Kim Schembri said the Maltese dancers were applauded for their superb...

June 21, 2014| Times of Malta 1 min read
Dance College Studios dancers performing at the annual show of Dansworks Dance Academy in Rosendale, England.Dance College Studios dancers performing at the annual show of Dansworks Dance Academy in Rosendale, England.

Thirteen dancers from Dance College Studios were guest performers at the annual show organised by Dansworks Dance Academy of Bacup, Rossendale in England.

College principal Kim Schembri said the Maltese dancers were applauded for their superb performance in street dance and hip hop.

“This was yet another opportunity for dancers from our college to prove their worth in front of a foreign audience. Dance not only instils confidence but promotes a sense of worth and achievement,” Schembri added.

The show was held at the Burnley Mechanics Theatre. Built in 1854-1855 as a mechanics’ institute, it was converted to a theatre in 1979. Dinner after the show was attended by the mayor of Rossendale, councillor Amanda Robertson.

“Such visits instill a discipline and maturity in our students. This is the third such trip abroad.”

In 2012, the students performed at Areadanza in Livorno, Italy and last year took part in the annual show organised by the Nene Valley Dance Academy, in Corby, England.

Visits are reciprocated by the respective academies.

A group of dancers from Dansworks will be guests at the college’s annual show Xpressions on July 11 and 12.

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