The health authorities on Friday warned people to avoid using an e-cigarette found to contain an excessive concentration of nicotine.

In a statement, the Environmental Health Directorate said Vapsolo King 10000 Disposable electronic cigarettes that come in doses of 20ml should not be consumed.

"The product contains an excessive volume of liquid that contains nicotine and an excessive concentration of nicotine. This can lead to the accidental consumption of a high dose of nicotine.

"Nicotine is acutely toxic and can endanger the safety of the user notably if the product comes into contact with the skin or is ingested."

The directorate added that the labelling of the product was misleading as it indicated that the cigarette contained 0% nicotine.

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The Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Directorate offers free one-to-one smoking cessation support. Those interested can call Tobacco Quitline on 80073333.

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