It’s never easy to leave your pet behind when you’re going on holiday as you never know how they will get by without you. However, choosing to hire a pet sitter instead of using a pet boarding facility comes with several advantages that will keep both your mind and your pet at ease.

Leaving home when you own a pet can be pretty challenging as you need to plan ahead and find someone you can trust to take care of your furry companion/s while you’re away. Thankfully, there are many pet boarding kennels and pet sitters in Malta and Gozo to choose from. But the first step is to decide which option to go for — boarding or sitting?

Pet boarding works like a ‘pet hotel’ where you take your pet to someone else’s premises, typically built like a kennel, and have them live there with other pets. While this has its perks especially since pets get to socialise with others, there is no better place to keep your pet than at the home they are used to and hiring a pet sitter. Much like a babysitter, a pet sitter will care for your furry baby in the comfort of its own home which causes less stress to you and your pet. In this article, we will explore some of the many benefits of pet sitting, focusing mainly on cat and dog sitting in Malta.

Reduced anxiety

Animals, especially domestic animals are able to feel the same emotions and tension that humans do. Thus, a sudden change of environment for prolonged periods can easily cause them stress.

If you own a dog, you know how attached they can get to their owners, so, you can imagine the anxiety that separation can cause. Does this mean you should just not go on holiday ever? No, but opting for dog sitters in Malta rather than pet boarding will cushion the blow of your absence. A change in routine and environment, on top of a change in carer, can be quite overwhelming for your dog. So, by finding a dog sitter to live at your house and keep up the dog’s usual routine, you will be making the transition easier.

Now while cats are less bothered about who is taking care of them as long as they’re getting fed, they are highly sensitive to a change of space since they are very territorial creatures. It can take weeks, if not months, for cats to adjust to a new place and if there are already other cats or pets living there, they may never adapt at all! It’s no wonder that there are more cat sitters in Malta than pet boarding for cats.

Guaranteed well-being

We love our pets as if they were our literal offspring, so their health and safety are the number one priority for any pet owner. Pet sitting guarantees just this. At a kennel, your pet is exposed to more dangers than if they remain in the comfortable security of your own home.

You never know what sort of animals your pet might encounter at the kennel or boarding facility. For starters, there are many hidden ailments that other pets might be carrying, such as fleas or worms, which they could transfer to your pet. Additionally, there is a chance that your pet might get into fights with other animals in the kennel if their characters clash which could lead to serious or even fatal injuries.

It is especially ideal to opt for a pet sitter in Malta if your pet suffers from some kind of medical condition or is recovering from surgery as they have a higher risk of contracting illnesses in their vulnerable state. Pet sitters ensure that your pets receive the required treatments on time and give them all the attention they require without being distracted by the needs of others. Speaking of which…

Hiring a pet sitter in Malta will guarantee that your pet receives the same level of love, care and attention that you would usually provide for them.Hiring a pet sitter in Malta will guarantee that your pet receives the same level of love, care and attention that you would usually provide for them.

Undivided attention

Hiring a pet sitter in Malta will guarantee that your pet receives the same level of love, care and attention that you would usually provide for them. Pet sitters are typically pet owners themselves, so they understand the level of attention dogs and cats alike require to live healthily and happily.

This is especially important if you own a dog since they feed off of attention and equate it with how much their carer loves them. If your dog is used to being in the spotlight, they might find it difficult to share human attention with others. This can come out in aggression, anxiety or feelings of abandonment. So, it’s important that you find a dog sitter in Malta who can dedicate the same time to your pet as you do.

As for cats, it depends on the cat’s character, as some cats simply don’t care about getting attention from their owners. In fact, most cat sitters in Malta have it easier than dog sitters since cats tend to be more independent.

Personal peace of mind

Opting for pet sitting in Malta isn’t only beneficial for the pet, but also for yourself. Knowing that your pet is in its usual familiar environment, following the same routine it usually does, will ease your mind and allow you to really enjoy your holiday without feeling the need to constantly check up on your dog or cat.

Pet sitting also helps make your arrival back home easier. If you take your pet to a kennel, they will need to readjust back home which can lead to deviant behaviour due to pent-up feelings of abandonment and separation anxiety. That’s the last thing you’d want when coming back from a holiday! However, with pet sitting, your pet would have been living within the same space and routine you’re used to. So, both you and your pet will have a much easier time falling into the same rhythm you shared before you separated.

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