How to bet on Esports

A lot has changed in the past year. The gap in sporting events left many spectators craving some sort of competition to cheer for. Enter the world of esports. As this is a competitive sport where participants can play remotely, it was able to continue,...

September 29, 20213 min read

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A lot has changed in the past year. The gap in sporting events left many spectators craving some sort of competition to cheer for. Enter the world of esports. As this is a competitive sport where participants can play remotely, it was able to continue, gaining in popularity as it progressed. 

This also gave rise to the desire for esports betting and the need to make wagers and understand the various games and markets. Esports today is still relatively new and unknown, but its reputation is growing exponentially. Dragonara Online has a comprehensive sportsbook that allows you to watch the esport games live. This helps with newcomers to the game, as well as seasoned players, ensuring an enjoyable betting experience.

What are esports?

Simply put, esports is the term used to describe competitive online gaming. This sector has enjoyed huge growth since its inception and will continue to grow in years to come. The competition is taken very seriously by all players involved, and the games are captivating in their intensity. The world of competitive esports covers games that are played by teams or by individuals, and outcomes can be bet on by spectators. 

Esports variety

There are various categories of esports. There are battle arena games, first-person shooters, and sports games, amongst others. Battle arenas are generally 5v5 games whereby teams of five go up against each other, occupying and defending their own bases. The winner is crowned when a base is won. DOTA 2 and League of Legends are the most popular games in this category. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is a team-based first-person shooter game. Sports games come in the form of FIFA, NBA2k, E-Tennis, and many more.  

Sports betting (Fifa, NBA2k, etc.) is still the most popular product among esports fans. Betting on esports is more or less identical to betting on traditional sports, with the difference that the esports betting product is far less developed than the traditional sports betting product. There is space in the future for the market to develop into something much more substantial, but for now, the markets are still relatively limited.

Live streaming for esports

One of the best parts about esports is the fact that you are able to watch the action in real time and become fully immersed in the gameplay. This helps anyone wanting to make In-Play wagers and keep up to date with live scores. On the Dragonara esports page, you will find all of the live games being streamed for easy viewing. 

There are huge esporting events and competitions that up the stakes for all players involved. These are streamed live from major arenas around the world. The 2019 League of Legends World Championship had almost four million viewers at its peak point. 

Real money betting

This is the form of esports betting that’s closest to traditional sports betting, which works in largely the same way as betting on football games, tennis matches or golf tournaments. You can place real money wagers at agreed odds, and get paid out if your selections are correct. Bets can be placed on all kinds of different outcomes, including the winners of individual matches and the overall winners of tournaments.

The Dragonara Online sportsbook gives access to a range of competitive esports betting options, allowing players the freedom to choose their games. Their assortment of sports promotions will help to get you excited about jumping into the world of esports betting. 

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