Malta slides further in Transparency International Corruption Index

Malta now ranks 54th, well below the EU average

January 31, 2023| Times of Malta 1 min read
The corruption rankings by Transparency International.The corruption rankings by Transparency International.

Malta has slid in the Transparency International corruption index, ranking 54th according to a report issued on Tuesday. It was 53rd last year.

Countries are ranked on a scale from zero (highly corrupt) to 100 (very clean). The  Western Europe and EU average is 66. Denmark (90) tops the region and the world, with Finland (87) and Norway (84) rounding out the top.

Cyprus (52), Hungary (42), Luxembourg (77), Malta (51), the Netherlands (80), Poland (55), Slovenia (56), Sweden (83), Switzerland (82) and the United Kingdom (73) are all at historic lows on the index this year. 

In its analysis of Malta, Transparency International says recommendations from the public inquiry into the assassination of investigative journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia are yet to be implemented in legislation, with continued concerns for media freedom and political interference in public media and for the fight against organised crime.

"A state of impunity persists with no convictions in cases of high-level corruption."

It also says that great independence and resourcing of the Maltese justice system is needed to uphold the rule of law.

Correction February 1, 2023: A previous version misstated Malta's rank. It is 54th, not 51st. 

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