The police on Saturday night arrested two men just a few moments after one of them allegedly threatened and robbed a taxi driver.

In a statement, the police said that a person booked the taxi and as soon as this arrived on site – at Triq il-Wied Tal-Imsida in Msida at 9pm, one of the two men who have been arrested entered the car, threatened the driver with a weapon and requested money.

After the driver gave the thief the money, the latter ordered the driver out of the car and he escaped with it.

The police immediately started searching for the car and around an hour later circled it in Triq il-Ħarrub.

Next to it were two men – a 33-year-old from Msida and a 53-year-old from Mosta, one of which had allegedly committed the theft.

Both were arrested and searched and they were found in possession of some items related to the case.

They are currently being held at the police headquarters for questioning.

An inquiry is being held.

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