Police remember deceased officers

The Police last Sunday paid tribute to officers who have passed away with a service at the Santa Marija Cemetery in Victoria. Following Mass, celebrated by Gozo chaplain Mgr Paul Cardona, a wreath-laying ceremony was held at the monument of the deceased.

November 23, 2019| Times of Malta 1 min read
Photos: Charles SpiteriPhotos: Charles Spiteri

The Police last Sunday paid tribute to officers who have passed away with a service at the Santa Marija Cemetery in Victoria. Following Mass, celebrated by Gozo chaplain Mgr Paul Cardona, a wreath-laying ceremony was held at the monument of the deceased. Police buglers played the Last Post. The event was attended by Inspectors Charles Bernard Spiteri and Josef Gauci, Superintendent Maurice Curmi, Police representatives and relatives. Picture shows Superintendent Curmi placing a wreath on behalf of the Police Commissioner. 

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