66 people found to be living irregularly in Malta

They were detained in Guardamangia, Santa Venera, Ħamrun, Attard, Marsa and Qormi

April 5, 2024| Times of Malta 1 min read
Photo: Malta Police ForcePhoto: Malta Police Force

A total of 66 people were found to be living irregularly in Malta by the police in recent days.

The police said the detained people were originally from Syria and various African countries, without specifying which countries.

In a statement, the police said of the 66 people, 21 were arrested in Guardamangia, Santa Venera, Ħamrun and Attard, while another 23 were found in Marsa and Qormi.

On Thursday night, 22 people were arrested in Marsa.

The people were taken to a detention centre and are set to be deported.

Investigations are ongoing.

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