As Malta faces complex economic and social challenges, we in the Nationalist Party are committed to presenting a bold, ambitious vision for our nation, focused on transparency, affordability and social justice.

In light of the shortcomings of recent government policies – particularly those impacting the cost of living and pensions – we are positioning ourselves as advocates for positive, meaningful change that responds to the real needs of Maltese citizens.

One of our primary objectives is addressing the escalating cost of living, an issue that remains critical for families and workers across Malta. We strongly oppose the current administration’s approach to taxing the Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA), a measure that unfairly burdens both workers and pensioners.

The support we have received from union representatives further highlights the widespread discontent with these policies. As a party, we promise to eliminate COLA taxation, ensuring that wage adjustments genuinely support those facing rising living expenses.

Malta’s property market has reached a crisis point, with rising costs pricing young people out of home ownership and often forcing them to leave the island for a more affordable lifestyle abroad. Unchecked property prices and limited access to affordable housing are not just creating financial hardship – they are eroding the very fabric of Maltese society, leading to a brain drain of talent and youth.

Our vision addresses these issues by prioritising housing affordability and fair market regulation. We are committed to supporting affordable housing initiatives that make it possible for young people and families to live and thrive in Malta, rather than feeling pressured to seek opportunities elsewhere. We believe a fair housing market is fundamental for a Malta where people can build stable, prosperous lives without compromising their financial security.

At the heart of our vision is a commitment to social fairness. We challenge recent government measures that we believe fall short of providing adequate support for the most vulnerable members of our society. The current budget, in our view, lacks the essential provisions needed for low-income households and retirees, leaving many Maltese struggling to meet their daily needs. Through equitable policies and comprehensive social programmes, we aim to foster a society where support systems genuinely benefit those who need them most, building a more inclusive and just Malta.

Recent adjustments to pension contributions have sparked significant concerns, with the introduction of an additional year of contributions – from 41 to 42 years for a full pension. This shift not only deviates from previous promises to use foreign labour contributions to strengthen the pension fund – a commitment that appears to have been disregarded – but also places a greater burden on local workers.

One of our primary objectives is addressing the escalating cost of living- James Aaron Ellul

Our leader, Bernard Grech, has stated that a PN government would repeal this National Insurance hike, addressing the widespread criticism that this measure requires some individuals to work beyond the retirement age of 65. We are determined to create sustainable pension reforms that protect the future of our retirees without additional burdens on local workers. By developing a reliable and fair pension model, we aim to give citizens the security and confidence they need for a dignified retirement.

Our vision is a call for a Malta that values transparency, supports its people and fosters a balanced, sustainable economy. By focusing on easing everyday costs, advancing social justice and safeguarding the rights of workers and retirees, we invite the nation to embrace a direction that prioritises Malta’s collective well-being and works toward a brighter future for all.

Central to our vision is Malta Żagħżugħa, a concept that reflects our commitment to revitalising the nation with a spirit of innovation, inclusivity and resilience. Malta Żagħżugħa is not merely about youthfulness in age but embodies a forward-thinking mentality that embraces progress, sustainability  and opportunity for all.

Through this vision, we seek to build a society where young people can truly thrive – with access to quality education, affordable housing and job opportunities that align with a modern, forward-looking economy. Equally important, this vision ensures that every generation, from young adults to seniors, can contribute to and benefit from a vibrant, prosperous Malta.

As a party, under Grech’s leadership, we believe this vision represents the direction Malta needs to move towards.

We are ready to lead the way, guided by our values and our commitment to a brighter, fairer Malta for everyone.

James Aaron Ellul is a former PN communications director. He is currently director of the PN’s Librerija Informa.

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