Malta has been transformed into a state of political distortion, social perversion and disorder. The balance of powers has acutely rendered itself uneven solely imputable to a dystopian style of politics, which, by design, has utterly sidelined the defence of the common interest and slaughtered our nation’s dreams.

National scandals persist in a near daily casual manner only to be addressed by the government in its hallmark laissez-faire attitude, steadily leading to the devised erosion of our long-standing social, political and economic values.

Labour has sowed and bred a culture whereby individual interests undermine collective ones. It has deliberately propelled Malta into an informal state of alienation where public expression has been subdued for fear of retribution. Such a situation is leading to a hushed and abnormal state of national asphyxia, rendering it vulnerable to its effects while allowing impunity to reign supreme. A change in government is imperative but it cannot be achieved by default.

Alternative policies cannot be delivered in a habitually unintelligible way because this only serves to render them meaningless and inaudible. On one side, the government is fragmented and lost in internal strife. It is now caught in an existential noose because of its self-generated calamities. On the other side, its alternative often utters a vocabulary which is lost in translation.

Last June’s MEP elections resulted in an 8,000-voter gap between the parties, which has surely served to reignite hope and optimism within the PN. This should be strategically used in its favour and that spark cannot be left to die. Despite the encouraging electoral gap, there are also other considerations, namely the 100,000 registered voters who failed to cast their vote and the 20,000-vote gap at the local council elections.

Hence, while welcoming the inroads made, the PN needs to create and outline what we all legitimately expect it to do, namely a comprehensive, tangible and viable vision of where it wants Malta to be in the foreseeable future.

I am on record stating that Malta is bereft of a collective dream. A dream means change and change requires boldness. The PN needs to – now more than ever – ensure that the politics of courage, not just hope, does not dissipate. Neither must the resolve and determination to conceive a national aspiration, which the people can collectively assimilate and endorse before achieving change.

We all stand at a pivotal moment in our nation’s history when great challenges can be transformed into great opportunities.

Malta’s dream is one which lies in unity. By joining together as one people, despite all our differences, we can tower above today and build a better future for all. By setting aside tribal and partisan politics, we can work towards common goals that will benefit us all and not merely a selected minority.

I, for one, dream of a nation led with integrity, which embraces an unwavering dedication to the well-being of every individual in our society; an executive that is transparent, accountable and responsive to the needs of its people; real policies which uphold the rule of law and promote equality; and justice and prosperity regardless of circumstances or political allegiances.

A dream means change and change requires boldness- Alessandro Farrugia

For we are desperate for a society which is fair, just and inclusive.

I dream of a nation where every individual is fully empowered to reach their potential, where equality is indeed a reality and were compassion and empathy guide decision-making. Where the economy is sustainable and robust, where innovation and entrepreneurship flourish and where prosperity is shared equitably among all while tapping novel opportunities and attracting foreign investment as we have already done in the past.

I dream of a society where education is of the highest quality, accessible to every individual, and where lifelong learning is encouraged and supported. A society where healthcare is a right, not a privilege, ensuring the well-being of all our citizens.

I dream of a nation where our environment is protected, where clean air is a fundamental right for all and where development and nature can co-exist harmoniously. Where renewable energy sources are embraced and where we lead the way in fighting climate change.

A nation that is at the forefront of environmental sustainability and conservation for future generations and brave enough to maximise the use of its territorial waters and economic zone and seriously contemplate land reclamation to relocate industrial areas and utilities to breathe life into urban areas and the coastline through the formation of open spaces.

I dream of a nation where all young persons are encouraged to reach their full potential, where their voices are heard  and their ideas are valued. A nation which equips them with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in a rapidly changing society and where they can nurture their creativity and innovation, while their minds are encouraged to explore their passions and pursue their dreams to thrive and drive change.

There is so much I dream about. I’m not alone. We all share a dream of hope, equality and unity, where hope triumphs over fear and unity prevails over division. Malta needs this now and more so for its future generations. Together we can, and together we will. A new Malta beckons.

Alessandro Farrugia is a lawyer and a former PN communications director.

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