The ADPD – The Green Party has asked the Standards Commissioner to investigate the appointment of Johann Buttigieg as CEO of the Planning Authority.

The complaint, which was filed on Wednesday by ADPD deputy chairperson Carmel Cacopardo, pointed out Buttigieg is currently serving as a consultant with leading developer Michael Stivala, who is also the president of the Malta Developers  Association.

Cacopardo argued that it is "impossible" for Buttigieg to regulate a sector which he also provides consultancy services in. 

“Even if you were to ignore all the public controversies Buttigieg was involved in, including those that had been investigated and reported on by the Commissioner’s office, it would be difficult to understand how he could ever make the move from being a consultant in the developers sector to running the regulatory board of this same sector," he said. 

He added the Commissioner should investigate Buttigieg’s appointment “in view of the correct ethical behaviour expected of public authorities.”

The Standards Commissioner is tasked with investigating the behaviour of MPs, persons of trust and public officials. 

Buttigieg served as CEO of the Planning Authority between 2013 and 2019, when he left to lead the Malta Tourism Authority. He subsequently moved into the private sector. 

He was brought back as PA CEO on Tuesday, surprising stakeholders, many of whom reacted to the appointment with shock.  

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