Almost a third of those injured at work in the last six months of 2024 were non-Maltese, according to national data. 

National Statistics Office data released on Thursday shows that, compared to the corresponding period in 2023, the number of non-fatal accidents at work reported in the final half of last year decreased by 24 cases. There were 1,103 such accidents between July and December.

Over 16 per cent of non-fatal accidents occurred in the manufacturing sector.

Another 145 - or 13.1 per cent of the accidents - occurred in the construction sector followed by the administrative and support service activities (120 or 10.9 per cent).

Almost one-third of those involved in an accident at work were absent from work for three days or less, while those absent from work for 21 days or more amounted to 18.5 per cent.

The largest share of accidents at work involved people working in elementary occupations followed by craft and related trades workers.

A fourth were aged between 35 and 44, while almost 70 per cent of those involved in a non-fatal accident at work were Maltese.

Thirty per cent of the injuries at work affected the back, including the spine and vertebra in the back.

Wounds, superficial injuries, dislocations, sprains and strains were the most common types of injuries.

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