I have designed a great invention that works, and is of benefit to the entire world. I have a unique machine, the Spiteri Water Pump (SWP), that is a great opportunity for Malta to produce hydroelectric power.
The SWP will pump water up, using no consumables, but only water, thus creating an artificial waterfall from which hydroelectric power is provided using existing equipment.

Since returning from Canada, I applied even together with MCAST to the institutions available in Malta, but always had negative results, probably due to the funds required.
I respect that you will find a unique way to have the SWP Model SS60 machine built here in Malta or anywhere in the world for the sake of humanity and the good of Malta and the world. I do feel so alone at 88 years old.
One way forward would be a Joint Development Agreement (JDA), irrespective of the present policies. Considering the tremendous benefits to the island of Malta, policies need and have to change.
I have maintained a diary since 1991. There are workshop drawings to build the SWP model SS60 (Book 56 – 35 sheets); there is a Force & Energy Analysis (Book 50 – 95 sheets).
The SS47 model was built and is a proof of concept for the invention. It is now in storage. The machine, which works under a water surface, in a tank full of water, is made up of three functions:
• The first function [Up thrust] transfers the stored energy of a buoyant unit. It is proven by a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) study. Ref. Book 60;
• The second function [Up thrust] – makes the machine frame top-heavy. It is proven by the CFD. Book 60; and
• The third function [Turning moment by force of gravity] – overturns the machine frame. Proven by CFD. Book 60.
The machine frame stops (Book 57 – 37 sheets) and the cycle restarts.
I am requesting an investment of some €1.5 million, which will mature in savings for Malta of some €35 million per month. Funds are required to check my work, overseas outsourcing, the recruitment of a mechanical engineer who is proficient in fluid mechanics and machine design, and an understudy mechanical engineer, and the rental of a small workshop with an assembly area to produce the final test leading to the attainment of US and other national patents.
The estimated value of the invention would be the equivalent of two months of cost savings from the national importation of fuel and gas.
I can be contacted on spiteriswp@gmail.com and I look forward to your support.