Announcements – April 29, 2023

Today’s social and personal listings

April 29, 2023| Times of Malta |02 min read
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In Memoriam

ATTARD. In loving memory of MARY, a beloved mother and grandmother, on the 33rd anniversary of her demise. Deeply missed and always in our thoughts and prayers. Her daughter Lina, her son Joe and their families. May the Lord grant her eternal rest.

GLENDAY. In loving memory of Dr ALBERT GLENDAY on the 58th anniversary of his passing away. Lovingly remembered by his stepdaughter Maria and his grandchildren Annaliza and Petra and their families. Mass for the repose of his soul will be said today, Saturday, 29th April at 6pm at Ta’ Xbiex parish church. Please remember him in your prayers, may he rest in peace.

SANT MANDUCA. Treasured memories of our dearest, beloved JOHN. Always remembered and sadly missed by his wife Louisette, Peter and Sandra, Nicholas and Karen and his grandchildren Alexia, Christina and Jamie.

TORPIANO – JOSEPH A. Fond memories of Ġużi on the 36th anniversary of his passing. Always in our thoughts. Winnie, his children, and their families.

SCHEMBRI WISMAYER In cherished memory of our beloved mother ĊETTINA, darling sister MARTHESE and dear brother SALVINO who were called to the loving arms of Jesus on 24th April Never more than a thought away, Quietly remembered every day. A prayer is kindly solicited. Mary Rose and Roy, in-laws and families

In Memoriam MIGUEL XUEREB 22.5.79 – 29.4.05 Loving and cherished memories of a beloved son and brother on the 18th anniversary of his demise. His parents and his brother.

To book an obituary or an In Memoriam notice from Monday to Friday – during office hours (8am-4pm) – e-mail On Saturday and Sunday, all day, and Monday to Friday after office hours, e-mail

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