
BELLIZZI. On January 13, TANYA, passed into eternal life comforted by the rites of Holy Church, aged 78. Mourning her deeply are her beloved sisters Cecilia Pace O’Shea, Myriam Cassar Torregiani, Dora Galea and her husband Edgar and her brother Louis and his wife Marie, her nephews and nieces, Oonagh, Julian, Jeremy and Conrad, Alison and Iain and Philippa, their spouses and partners, other relatives and many friends. The funeral mass will be celebrated on Thursday, January 16, at 9.30am, at the parish church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Balluta. It was Tanya’s wish to donate her body to the University of Malta’s Anatomy Department. No flowers by request. Donations to the Poor Clares will be appreciated. Lord, grant her eternal rest.

CAMILLERI. On January 10, RITA, née Degiovanni, aged 81, passed away peacefully comforted by the rites of Holy Church. She leaves to mourn her loss her beloved husband Godwin, her son Kurt, her daughter Karen and her husband Jesmond Mugliett, and her grandchildren, Andrea, Katrina, Luigi, Mattea, Nina and Nikki, her brothers and their spouses, nephews and nieces, in-laws and the Sacred Heart Community. Special thanks to all the management and staff at The Imperial Care Home, Sliema, and the medical team and staff at Narċis Ward of St Vincent de Paul. The funeral mass will be held tomorrow, Wednesday, January 15, at 8am, at Our Lady of Fatima Sanctuary, Guardamangia. Donations in her memory may be made to the Malta Dementia Society, University of Malta. May the Lord grant her eternal rest.

GONZI. On January 7, at Mater Dei Hospital, ROSEMARY, née Grech, passed away peacefully comforted by the rites of Holy Church, surrounded by her children and their spouses. She will be dearly missed by her children Michael, Mariella and John and their respective spouses Joanna, Giles and Michelle, her grandchildren Hannah, Luisa, Greg, Jacques and Carla, her sister-in-law Anne Grech, her brother Tony and his wife Ida Grech, her nephews and nieces, other relatives and friends. Mass præsente cadavere will be said tomorrow, Wednesday, January 15, at 9.30am, at the Carmelite church, Balluta, followed by interment at Santa Maria Addolorata Cemetery. May the Lord grant her eternal rest.


CINI – GIOVANNA. Cherished memories of our beloved mother, today the 18th anniversary of her demise. Always in our thoughts and prayers. Her children, their spouses and their families. Lord, grant her eternal rest.

FENECH. In loving memory of CATHERINE, née Leaver, on the third anniversary of her passing away. A dear and loving wife and mother fondly remembered today and every day. She remains deep in our hearts and is always in our thoughts and prayers. Never forgotten and deeply missed by her husband Roger, her son Julien, her sister Jennifer, family and friends. Lord, grant her eternal rest. May she rest in peace.

FORMOSA – HARRY R. of Sliema. In loving memory of a dear father, greatly missed. Always in our thoughts, today being the 31st anniversary of his passing. Lord, grant him eternal rest. Marie Therese and Noel.

GRECH – TONY. In loving memory, on the 39th anniversary of his demise. Always remembered in our thoughts and prayers. Lord, grant him eternal rest. His family.

PACE – LILY. On the 27th anniversary of her passing to eternal life. Never forgotten by her son David, wife Janika, children Michelle and David and their families. Mass for the repose of her soul will be celebrated today at 6.30pm at Tal-Ibraġ parish church.

VALENZIA. In loving memory of ARTURO and VIOLET, beloved parents and grandparents, on the anniversary of their death. Sr. Claire, Geoffrey and Helen, Madeleine and John, Pat and their families.

VALENZIA – BRIAN. Treasured and unfading memories of a loving husband, father and grandfather on the first anniversary of his passing. Deeply missed by his wife Patricia, his children Angelita and her husband Daryl, Roberta and her husband Brian, and his grandchildren Hannah, Liam, Sam and Lisa. A mass for the repose of his soul will be offered on Thursday, January 16, at 7pm, at St Joseph Home, Santa Venera. Lord, grant him eternal rest.

To book an obituary or an In Memoriam notice from Monday to Friday – during office hours (8am-4pm) – e-mail On Saturday and Sunday, all day, and Monday to Friday after office hours, e-mail

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